Saturday, January 15, 2011

Our Genes, Our Environment, Our Choice for Health

Our Genes, Our Environment, Our Choice for Health

Dr. William Ryan Shelton, medical director and owner of Diet Doc Weight Loss Program reports….it is now scientifically well established that our genes and environment together create the information of life which we call the experience of reality.  
Health and disease are now seen as a continuum on which an individual’s genes and environment interplay to determine who we are, how we feel, how we live, and how we die.  For any one human being, either the genes or the specific environment may be incompatible with health or even life.  As human beings we do have a third influence which, assuming the genes and environment are not severely incompatible with one another, can drastically alter our reality of health and illness: choice.  Unfortunately, most of us do not believe our choices hold that much potential.
    Study after study has shown that we not only have the power to change our minds and behavior, we also have the power to change our hormones, our neurotransmitters, the manner in which our brains are connected, our immune systems, our digestive systems, and so on.  How we choose to live, that is changing the environment our genes are exposed to, can and does change our body’s chemistry and function.  The most commonly asked question I get regarding this issue is: “How long does it take?”  Science is just now beginning to answer this question.

Researchers from Princeton University are showing that it takes on average 90 days of consistent behavior change (making different choices) for more permanent habits to be formed.  This has relevance for addictions, diet, exercise, stress reduction, etc.

Researchers from Harvard University are showing that it takes on average 2.5 hours per week for 10-12 weeks of behavior change practicing for more permanent habits to be formed.

Researchers from around the world have revealed in animal studies that it generally takes the equivalent of about one month of new gene/environment interplay for each year (equivalent) of gene/environment interplay which caused a chronic disease in order for physiologic changes to become permanent.

Surveys from physicians around the world reveal that for each year a person has had a chronic disease, it typically takes 1-2 months for those symptoms to resolve when treated.

The bottom line so far is that it takes initial persistence and determination and that changes of a permanent nature take time to develop.  Of course relapses to old behavior always impede the healing process.

Diet Doc Weight Loss Program is a medically supervised weight loss program providing weight loss to people across America. Call today 888-934-4451 or visit us at

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Have you been trying to lose weight for many years

Have you been trying to lose weight for many years but you got no results? People in America waste thousands of dollars on fad diets with the hope to lose weight but they never do.
A friend of mine tried the weight watchers program for a so called “healthy weight loss” but his weight loss was only 2 pounds per week. So I say it from a personal experience “weight watchers diet” is not good for immediate results. They really just want you to buy their food.  I can tell you that the Diet Doc Weight Loss Program yields rapid weight loss and is very unique to any other weight loss program out there.
Recently, I have learned about the Diet Doc HCG diet, which can help people reduce weight. They promise that it is a fast diet, resulting in healthy weight loss and not muscle loss. Does it really work? The doctors at Diet Doc understand the clinical elements responsible for weight gain in general and they also know how to get rid of excess weight.
The thing that most of the quick weight loss diets do not work is that they are mainly focused on decreasing the water weight in your body and once you get off this diet, you end up with more weight than you actually had.
Diet Doc HCG Weight Loss Program works through through diet which is primarily a revised version of the South Beach Diet along with two support products that are clinically proven to help facilitate weight loss and HCG a prescription medication.
The Diet Doc HCG Weight Loss Program is promising not only because they have spent significant time to create a modern weight loss protocol utilizing 2011 nutritional and clinical standards, but because their method of weight loss is supported by many physicians and professionals alike.
Why I am so sure about Diet Doc HCG diet plan? The reason as I mentioned, I am an expert dietician. It is a healthy weight loss program because there is an actual cause of weight loss whereas for most of the “fad diets” there is no definite cause.
Diet Doc HCG Weight Loss Program will include you using a prescription medication after our doctor reviews your medical history.  If you want to try HCG diet then you should contact a Diet Doc doctor and he will review your medical history and in most cases, prescribe you the protocol.
What makes the Diet Doc HCG diet program so special to me? I believe in helping people, when I chose to be a dietician my primary aim was to help people and it still is. I think that Diet Doc HCG diet program will assist me in making weight loss easier and safer.
The last thing, you do not only have to lose weight so that you look good or to fit in your clothes. You need to lose weight to stay healthy. Losing weight at this risk of health will be the worst mistake of your life, so please do not choose any diet program that does not have a proper reason for decreasing weight.
Have you been trying to lose weight for many years but you got no results? People in America waste thousands of dollars on fad diets with the hope to lose weight but they never do.
A friend of mine tried the weight watchers program for a so called “healthy weight loss” but his weight loss was only 2 pounds per week. So I say it from a personal experience “weight watchers diet” is not good for immediate results. They really just want you to buy their food.  I can tell you that the Diet Doc Weight Loss Program yields rapid weight loss and is very unique to any other weight loss program out there.
Recently, I have learned about the Diet Doc HCG diet, which can help people reduce weight. They promise that it is a fast diet, resulting in healthy weight loss and not muscle loss. Does it really work? The doctors at Diet Doc understand the clinical elements responsible for weight gain in general and they also know how to get rid of excess weight.
The thing that most of the quick weight loss diets do not work is that they are mainly focused on decreasing the water weight in your body and once you get off this diet, you end up with more weight than you actually had.
Diet Doc HCG Weight Loss Program works through through diet which is primarily a revised version of the South Beach Diet along with two support products that are clinically proven to help facilitate weight loss and HCG a prescription medication.
The Diet Doc HCG Weight Loss Program is promising not only because they have spent significant time to create a modern weight loss protocol utilizing 2011 nutritional and clinical standards, but because their method of weight loss is supported by many physicians and professionals alike.
Why I am so sure about Diet Doc HCG diet plan? The reason as I mentioned, I am an expert dietician. It is a healthy weight loss program because there is an actual cause of weight loss whereas for most of the “fad diets” there is no definite cause.
Diet Doc HCG Weight Loss Program will include you using a prescription medication after our doctor reviews your medical history.  If you want to try HCG diet then you should contact a Diet Doc doctor and he will review your medical history and in most cases, prescribe you the protocol.
What makes the Diet Doc HCG diet program so special to me? I believe in helping people, when I chose to be a dietician my primary aim was to help people and it still is. I think that Diet Doc HCG diet program will assist me in making weight loss easier and safer.
The last thing, you do not only have to lose weight so that you look good or to fit in your clothes. You need to lose weight to stay healthy. Losing weight at this risk of health will be the worst mistake of your life, so please do not choose any diet program that does not have a proper reason for decreasing weight.
What makes the Diet Doc HCG diet program so special? It’s a program that in essence takes all the positive things from many diets along with the latest clinical and nutrition standards and incorporates into a medically, supervised power house of a diet.   Your medical history is reviewed by our doctors and a customized diet plan is developed specific to you and we will work with you daily if needed to get your weight loss at the maximum amount per week!

The last thing, you do not only have to lose weight so that you look good or to fit in your clothes. You need to lose weight to stay healthy. Losing weight has been clinically shown to not only improve health, but increase longevity. You deserve it. Your family deserves a healthy, long lived YOU!

Call Diet Doc HCG Weight Loss Program today at 888-934-4451 or visit them at

Weight Loss Fads versus Weight Loss Solutions

Anyone who has lost weight or taken a nutrition class at their local community college can claim to be a dietary expert and create a weight loss blog. 
Some are incredibly well educated with fancy professional letters after their names and they see a niche in the ever expanding demand for diet and weight loss.  New fad diets come out every year.  The cookie diet, the 17 days diet, the Special K diet are examples that are searched on Google hundreds of thousands of times per year.   Other plans, like the Atkins diet or Weight Watchers, are more thought out and less whimsical than the obvious fad diets yet still lack critical components to be effective long term weight loss solutions.
Common sense is often overlooked when searching for the best diet and weight loss plan.  Ask yourself, does it sound reasonable that eating cookies can help you lose weight or that you can eat as much of anything that you want and lose weight only of you sprinkle it first with white powder?  For how long will eating cereal three times a day last before you become so bored that cardboard begins to look like a tasty option?  Diet for 17 days…and then what, put it all back on in 10?  The Atkins diet allows you to eat all the bacon and fried chicken you want.  That doesn’t seem right.  Weight Watchers requires either that you have a degree in mathematics or that you carry around a points card with you everywhere you go.   Foods dissolve away into numbers.
At its most basic level food provides fuel and substance to sustain life.  For most of human history, eating has also been a sacred, social act.  Besides sex, eating is the one behavior we are all genetically and physiologically compelled to do.  Eating behavior itself is very complex, influenced by a variety of internal and external factors.  It also tends to vary from one person to the next.  Simple solutions for effective, long term weight loss do not exist.
Three questions you should always ask yourself prior to beginning a diet: Is it healthy?  Is it sustainable?  Is it customized for my needs?  Permanent changes in behavior do not often take effect with the first attempt.  If the diet passes on these three questions, finding one that offers close support and coaching to ensure long term health and wellness is highly recommended.   
Diet Doc physicians are highly trained experts in this field. They have collectively seen thousands of successful cases, and will give you the proper advice and support as you transition into the person you want to be.
Diet Doc has modernized the old HCG Simeons Weight Loss Protocol. How you might ask? Dr. Simeon’s original HCG protocol used 1955 medical and nutritional standards. Medicine and nutrition have made hurdles in terms of what they know over the past 50 years!
Other physicians who offer HCG are doing the old Simeons protocol. The reason is there is no place to obtain modern day training in this one area. At Diet Doc, they actually train physicians on their hCG weight loss protocol across the USA.
The Diet Doc HCG Weight Loss program allows dieters to consume 1,000 calories per day. The benefits of the Diet Doc Weight Loss Program are feeling satisfied and full. People report that they are not hungry and are satisfied throughout the day.
We are able to provide patient care in 48 states. If you are looking for a weight loss program that really works… DietDoc today 888-934-4451 or visit us at

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Why Do Sugars and Carbs Make Me Gain Weight?

 Diet Doc Weight Loss Program wants to discuss your diet, it is important to put things into perspective. You are a human being. 
Your ancestors have evolved over hundreds of thousands of years and you are the product of evolutionary pressures that have always existed and continue to exist today. Diet Doc reports, one of the reasons your ancestors survived so that you could be here is that they ate a simple, nutritious, and balanced diet that allowed them to thrive and procreate. Since the industrial and agricultural revolutions, crops have been mass-produced, harvested, processed, and distributed within the United States and around the world. This lead to a substantial increase in the amount of grains (and grain products) and sugar in the diets of those who lived in accordance with a “western” lifestyle.
            The body perceives sugars, carbohydrates, and fats as different forms of energy. Because the “western” diet is high in carbohydrates and sugar, the body quickly burns what it needs (raising and then lowering your blood sugar) and stores the rest for later use. Diet Doc Medical Director, Dr. Shelton reports….from my clinical experience I can honestly say, excess sugars and carbohydrates contribute much more to weight gain than dietary fats. The body has no problem taking excess dietary sugars and carbohydrates and storing them as fat. Sugars also place a great burden on your pancreas, which has to produce insulin every time you ingest sugars. The body does this in an effort to lower your blood sugar levels by driving the blood sugar (glucose) out of your bloodstream and into your cells with the insulin.
            Diet Doc asks….how do you stop this insidious cycle? By cutting sodas, fruit juices, candy, and excess carbohydrates (bread, crackers, noodles, rice, bagels, cereals, pasta, muffins) out of your diet and reducing your portions when you do eat. If you currently have Type 2 diabetes these foods are no good for you and will greatly increase the likelihood of amputation, blindness, and kidney failure by hastening the disease process. Studies have shown that mice fed 30% less food, lived about 30% longer than mice that were over fed.
            Increasing the amount of good fats in your diet will help prevent the dip in your blood sugar that usually leads to hunger pangs and carbohydrate cravings. Sources of good fats include real butter, eggs, nuts (almonds, walnuts, hazel nuts, etc), cold water fish, tahini (sesame seed paste), coconut, avocados, and olives.
            Diet Doc Medical Director, Dr. Shelton reports…..Dr Bernard Jensen once said, “If you don’t spend money on good food now, you will spend it on the doctor later.” He is correct. Food is medicine. If we eat poorly, we cannot expect to maintain our health.
Call Diet Doc Weight Loss Program today to have your diet personalized by our weight loss experts 888-934-4451 or visit us at

Hcg Spokane Diet Doc and Weight Loss

Obesity has become a real problem in Spokane.  As the rates of obesity and being overweight continue to increase, so too does the long list of weight related health conditions such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, depression, arthritis, infertility, insomnia, etc. 
Surgeries are often too expensive with unwanted long term side effects on the digestive system and nutrient absorption.  Most Spokane weight loss and diet programs are too generalized and cumbersome to be effective long term.  Some weight loss and diet programs in Spokane limit total calorie intake dangerously to 500 calories per day.  Many Spokane hcg diet programs use unsafe non-human forms of hcg obtained illegally from overseas or use only homeopathic strength hcg. 
The desire to lose weight usually has its origins in wanting to reduce health risk factors and live a healthier, happier life.  It makes little sense to have this desire while at the same time using a weight loss program that is itself risky or will not have lasting effects.  Taking the step to lose weight in order to improve your life is a big decision.  The program you choose should obviously be safe and effective.  Choosing a program that is medically supervised is tremendously beneficial because you feel that the supportive, caring staff is engaged with you every step of the way to ensure success.
Hcg Spokane Diet Doc is a completely revolutionized approach to the decades old Dr Simeons’ hcg diet and weight loss protocol.  Using updated information on diet and nutrition, a safer more customized program is available. Each patient walks away with an individualized food list optimized for their health, their weight loss.  Furthermore, a comprehensive weight maintenance program, once weight loss goals are achieved, is implemented to keep the weight off and promote better long term health.  The Spokane Diet Doc maintenance program has been developed by physicians with experience and a passion for nutrition and weight control. 
  DietDoc is a medically supervised weight loss clinic that services patients across the USA. To learn more, visit them at or call 888-934-4451.

Official hcg Diet Success

The hormone diet, also known as the hcg diet, has a substantial presence on the internet.   
Without knowing someone personally to offer you an hcg diet review it is challenging to navigate through all of the online claims made about the hormone diet and weight loss.  Moreover, it is even difficult to ascertain which is the official hcg diet and which are simply distracting imitators that will result in no weight loss. 
To begin with, it is important to identify pure hcg and ensure it is full prescription strength.  Some hcg sold online is not official hcg rather homeopathic drops of hcg containing mostly water and little else.  Other hcg is not pure hcg rather imported from other countries and derived from cheap and potentially dangerous non-human sources such as mice or cats.  Pure hcg such as that used in the official hcg diet for weight loss is a human bio-identical hormone which requires a doctor’s prescription.  If a doctor did not write a prescription for the hcg you are taking, it is not pure hcg. 
Once a safe, pure hcg source is obtained legally from a doctor, the next consideration is the diet consumed while taking the hcg for weight loss.  The original hcg diet was actually developed several decades ago by Dr Simeons.  While the Simeons’ diet was the original hcg diet, it was not safe as it limited total calorie intake to only 500 calories per day.  This type of diet is very risky as it can lead to the loss of lean body mass such as muscle and bone. 
With the benefit of modern research, the official hcg diet has transformed into a much safer expanded diet.  Hcg diet review sites online are typically flooded with warnings about the 500 calorie diet and contain little content on the newer official hcg diet. 
The decision to lose weight is likely motivated from a place of wanting to be healthy and live a healthier, happier life.  If you want to lose weight to reduce health risk factors, choosing pure hcg and the official hcg hormone diet are very important considerations.
Diet Doc has modernized the old Simeons and Kevin Trudeau protocol to modern day clinical and nutritional standards. Diet Doc reports that their patients typically consume 1,000 calories per day and realize rapid, safe weight loss. The diet is a ketogenic diet and typically results in people not feeling hungry or deprived.
* These weight reduction treatments include oral hCG or an injection of hCG–a drug, which has not been approved by the food and drug administration as safe and effective in the treatment of obesity or weight control. There is no substantial evidence that hCG increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction, that it causes a more attractive or "normal" distribution of fat, or that it decreases the hunger and discomfort associated with calorie-restrictive diets. Results may vary and cannot be guaranteed. Medical supervision and compliance with our program is required.
DietDoc is a medically supervised weight loss clinic that services patients across the USA. To learn more, visit them at or call 888-934-4451.

hCG Weight Loss Program vs Bariatric Surgery

Obesity is a medical problem that has become an epidemic in the United States. 
Approximately 66% of adults in the USA are considered overweight, obese, or morbidly obese and these numbers are on the rise. If you look at old black and white group photographs from 80 or 100 years you immediately notice that no one is overweight. So, the question is, what has changed and how do we address the problem? The two main things that have changed is that one, we are more sedentary and two, the type of calories we eat have increased. More importantly, the ratio of calories we take in from sugar, fat, and carbohydrates have drastically changed.
DietDoc reports when they review thousands of patients’ diets, they began to notice patterns. The most obvious pattern is that most people who are overweight depend too heavily on sugars and simple carbohydrates for energy. This is something that needs to shift if a person wants to lose weight and then maintain a healthy body weight.       
Dr. Shelton, medical director for DietDoc reports obesity not only affects a person mentally and emotionally, but most obviously, it takes a physical toll on the body. Obesity has been linked to an increased risk in cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, gall bladder disease, osteoarthritis, infertility, type 2 diabetes, elevated cholesterol and triglycerides, and several other avoidable disease.    
There are several problems with bariatric surgery ( lap band, gastric bypass). The surgery can be dangerous and death may occur, it can lead to life long nutrient and mineral deficiencies, as well as other complications that greatly affect ones quality of life. The surgery is also very expensive.
In contrast, the hCG weight loss protocol is a comparatively easy, rapid, and safe approach to weight loss when compared to all other weight loss programs. The hCG protocol, when done correctly under a train physician helps the patient lose fat weight at a rate of up to 30 lbs per month. When done correctly people feel great, they have energy, and they are NOT hungry. Side effects occur in very few cases (less than 10%) and are minor such as spotting between periods and mild to moderately heavier bleeding during menses. There are a few other minor safety precautions that need to be monitored, but the vast majority of patients tolerate the program very well as they shed the pounds.    
Diet Doc physicians are highly trained experts in this field. They have collectively seen thousands of successful cases, and will give you the proper advice and support as you transition into the person you want to be.
DietDoc is a medically supervised weight loss clinic that services patients across the USA. To learn more, visit them at or call 888-934-4451.