Sunday, March 13, 2011

Weight loss With a Raw Diet

Are you trying a raw food diet for losing weight fast? 
Raw diets are diet plans where a person only eats vegetables and natural food in the closest form to the original form. Like raw vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts and sprouts. Some people likewise incorporate raw dairy foods like raw eggs and raw milk inside their raw diet. Raw diet is a real great diet, by eating raw food; you can dodge a lot of diseases and problems.
However, does a raw diet ensure weight loss? There is not solid evidence that raw diet may result in great or any weight loss. There are individual cases when people on raw diet have less weight but those are individual cases. A clear skin is definite benefit of a raw diet. A raw diet has some side effects as well that can range from lack to lower HDL cholesterol levels and can cause cardiovascular disease. Supplementing with vitamins to prevent deficiency can help reduce this risk.
However, bottom line is that a raw food diet is not good for weight-loss. So if you wish to lose weight, which diet you should use? Diet Doc hCG diet is among the best diet for weight loss in America. Diet Doc hCG diet is personalized diet, which is accompanied with oral doses and injections. Diet Doc hcg diet protocol ensures long-lasting and healthy weight reduction. Unlike raw diet, diet doc hCG diet is assigned with a specialist.
These weight reduction treatments include oral hCG or an injection of hCG–a drug, which has not been approved by the food and drug administration as safe and effective in the treatment of obesity or weight control. There is no substantial evidence that hCG increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction, that it causes a more attractive or "normal" distribution of fat, or that it decreases the hunger and discomfort associated with calorie-restrictive diets. Results may vary and cannot be guaranteed. Medical supervision and compliance with our program is required.
Do you want to lose weight fast? Do not go for raw diet, choose diet doc hCG diet. Visit or call 888-934-4451 to lose weight in a healthy way.

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