Saturday, September 4, 2010

hCG Guide - Get a Better Perspective & Get Your FAQs Answered

HCG guide is committed to offer you needed information related to the hCG hormone for weight loss. The guide helps you to get accustomed with hCG diet implementation.

HCG guide

The Diet Doc HCG weight loss program is a comprehensive tool to help patients achieve quick and lasting weight loss. At Diet Doc, our clinical staff and physicians provide you with information related to the hCG hormone as well as a fully customized weight loss program to maximize your weight loss potential.

The physicians at Diet Doc believe that each patient is unique and his or her weight loss program should be too! The Diet Doc HCG weight loss program is fully customized to meet the weight loss needs of each patient. With HCG, a reduced calorie diet of 850-1250 calories per day, as well as specially formulated support products, the Diet Doc HCG weight loss program is safe, fast, and lasting.

Human chorionic gonadotropin, better known as HCG is a glycoprotein hormone that is found in the human body of both males and females. It is mostly found in pregnant women during pregnancy. This naturally occurring peptide hormone is specifically produced by developing embryo soon after conception and later by sncytiotrophoblastic cells.
HCG plays a vital role in the increased immune tolerance at the time of pregnancy and assists in mobilizing pregnant woman’s abdominal fat to calories without adversely affecting energy. Additionally, it helps in promoting corpus luteum at the early stages of pregnancy followed by the disintegration of corpus luteum of ovaries which simultaneously help in the build-up of progesterone hormone.

Using HCG

When the HCG hormone is injected or taken orally the excess fat stored in the body
gets released and utilized for energy. When HCG is used in conjunction with the Diet
Doc Weight Loss Program, patients experience safe and rapid weight loss while feeling
an increase in energy, decrease in appetite, better sleeping habits, and clearer thought

There are several different ways to receive your HCG dose. At Diet Doc, patients are able to choose whether they receive HCG Tablets or HCG Injections. Both forms of HCG have been shown to be equally as effective in the assisting patients to lose weight when coupled with a low calorie diet.

When customizing your weight loss program, the physicians at Diet Doc will be able to help you determine which form of HCG is best suited to your lifestyle.

How does the Diet Doc HCG Weight Loss Program Differ From Dr. Simeons

Due to safety concerns inherent with the severe restriction of Dr. Simeons 500 calorie
diet, our physicians at Diet Doc have chosen to focus on the restriction of high
glycemic carbohydrates. Typically, the physicians at Diet Doc will prescribe a fully
personalized low calorie diet of between 850-1250 calories a day. Additionally, our
Diet Doc physicians offer support products including protein shakes, thermogenic
MCT oil, and a muscle aid supplement. All of these products were created to maximize
fat loss while protecting muscle mass and improving the patient’s overall health.
HCG guide speaks about reliable weight loss programs

How do I meet with a Diet Doc physician?

The Diet Doc HCG weight loss program is available in many areas all over the United
States. With over twenty physical locations and telemedicine physicians available,
it is easy to get started with Diet Doc. During the first appointment, the clinical staff
and Diet Doc physician will create a customized weight loss program and prescription
for each patient. When the program is followed according to doctor recommendation,
patients will on average lose ½ to one pound per day.
 DietDoc is a medically supervised weight loss clinic that services patients across the USA.To learn more, visit them at or call 888-934-4451.

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